painful pictures

I stare at your photos
Beach holidays and
Swimming pools
Healthy smiles
Scattered through family gatherings
Your eyes do not betray any knowledge
Of what’s to come.
No drop in the corner of your lips
No obtusely angled eyebrow
No crack in your happiness
To indicate you know it’s all going to end.
And why would you?
I can’t tear myself away
The jarring nature of such joy
Now reframed.
The horror of the present
Mocked by the thumbnails of the past
Sello-taped to the white-washed walls
Above your bed
Spatters of sadness that catch my eye
And instil in me a selfish woe
That this could happen to me.
Paralysed by indecision
On how to live with this awareness
Grateful or despondent
Cautious or carefree
That everything means everything
Or nothing at all
I hold my worries inside
Silently haunted by the thought that I’m living moments
That might become my own photos
One day.